The Right of Way Project (ROW) inventory will centralize information electronically to facilitate landowner communication regarding pending right-of-way work, provide communication with Santa Barbara permitting agencies, and enable COMB staff response to right-of-way disruptions and issues efficiently by utilizing the GIS inventory. Specific tasks of the project include identifying, locating, and labeling the pipeline through field mapping in GIS and surveying. Sequentially, as data is developed, landowners will be notified of property easements and of COMB’s South Coast Conduit responsibilities. The project anticipates placing up to 400 pipeline markers at property lines and alignment changes along the pipeline. Concurrently, COMB will enhance and continue communication with public and private permitting agencies made possible by the inventory. The location and inventory will enable regular site inspection, expedite our ability to precisely locate and identify visible leakage, ground erosion, or new encroachments.