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Annual Reports and Documents


The Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board (COMB), a Joint Powers Authority under California Government Code section 6500 et seq., and its member agencies, supply this Annual Monitoring Summary ("Report"), including all of its data, summaries, figures, tables, photographs, charts, analyses, results, conclusions and recommendations, "as is," with no warranties either express or implied made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information in the Report. The user of the contents of the Report assumes all responsibilities on its usage and for verifying the completeness and accuracy of the Report for both critical and noncritical uses and applications. In no event will COMB or its member agencies be in any way held liable to the user or any third party who uses this Report or any derivatives, products or services arising from this Report, for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregated uses of the contents of the Report.

Annual Monitoring Reports

2024 Annual Monitoring Summary2023 Annual Monitoring Summary2022 Annual Monitoring Summary2021 Annual Monitoring Summary2020 Annual Monitoring Summary2019 Annual Monitoring Summary2018 Annual Monitoring Summary2017 Annual Monitoring Summary2016 Annual Monitoring Summary2015 Annual Monitoring Summary2014 Annual Monitoring Summary2013 Annual Monitoring Summary2012 Annual Monitoring Summary2011 Annual Monitoring Summary2010 Annual Monitoring Report2009 Annual Monitoring Report2008 Annual Monitoring Report and Trend Analysis for 2005-2008Synthesis and Analysis of Fishery and Habitat (1993-2004)


Cachuma Project Biological Opinion (BO)Lower Santa Ynez River Fish Management Plan (FMP)Lower Santa Ynez River FMP (Brochure)EIR/EIS - Lower Santa Ynez River FMP and Cachuma Project BO (Vol. 1)EIR/EIS - Lower Santa Ynez River FMP and Cachuma Project BO (Vol. 2)EIR/EIS - Lower Santa Ynez River FMP and Cachuma Project BO (Notice of Determination and Addendum)